This series revolves around two biological twin brothers (Szeto Shun and Lik Hang) who reunite after more than 30 years of separation due a midwife selling Lik Hang to another family. Lik Hang endures a rough life having a pitiful childhood and the only light in the sea of darkness for him was Terry (portrayed by Tony Hung) who decided to take care of him and they become best buddies. The duo would then seek fortune by means of committing thief. This is in contrast to Szeto Shun, who instead enjoys a happy childhood with his parents beside him the whole time, leading way for him to become a policeman. One incident of Lik Hang committing arson however has led to the attention of Szeto Shun who was eager to find his twin brother. With the help of Jan (portrayed by Tavia Yeung), they eventually find Lik Hang and the drama begins of betrayal, jealousy, misunderstanding and mistrust, leading to a final showdown between the two brothers.
Szeto Shun (portrayed by Kevin Cheng).
Some would say Szeto Sir is the goody-goody in this series but he is not perfect or flawless. Szeto in the series would do anything to save his brother from committing crime again, whether it meant breaking his principles or spying on others.
Kevin Cheng > I am impressed by his performance as someone who is serious-looking, unemotional and intelligent.
In my opinion, Kevin had the equal opportunity to flourish like Ruco and he did do well generally but not at the same standard as Ruco. This is because acting is not second-nature to him and he is not a naturally gifted actor. As much as he tries to act well, it sometimes seem to look too forced or deliberate.
Lik Hang (portrayed by Ruco Chan)
This Lik Hang is a calculative, angry and blind fella.
I liked the fact how although he is not a psychopath, he is someone filled with hatred and his grudge will over-weigh whatever conscience he has left. I also liked how this series did not make him a changed person because at the end who he cares is winning. He is jealous on the fact hat his brother Szeto has always been well-respected and superior compared to him and he wants to be the one winning.
Favourite acting scene - The scene where he watched Hor Yee Gu bleed to death. At first it looked like he was concerned for her and was about to see how she was, but then he had a headache and flashbacks of his past emerged. Feeling angry he watches in satisfaction for an agonising five minutes until she finally dies. Ruco then looks up the sky and smiles as in justice has been done. That was one of the many fine acting moments by Ruco and I applaud him for that. In this series you can tell he is a great actor by the fact that he doesn't seem like his trying to act. His hand guestures, his eye expressions all seem natural so you will be convinced of his acting.
Ruco Chan > I don't have a clear favourite role of Ruco because frankly he excels in basically who the roles that he is offered and this one is no exception.
Jan (portrayed by Tavia Yeung) - So far 2015 most wasted female character. I was so eager to see her as an assassin (that was instead given to Vivien Yeo) but instead she was a naive, stupid and rather shallow Jan which was wholly disappointing. What makes things even worse is when she gets considerable time-screen and her scenes w
Favourite acting scene - I guess the first episode where although silly she used her photographic memory skills to escape from the gangsters running after her.
Another thing that the scriptwriters seem to ignore the fact who killed King Kong? Obviously it was Lik Hang who shot him to prevent him from saying his name but no mention of this throughout the whole series.
Law Lan - A good performance by Law Lan and Samantha Ko did well.
Another downfall was this series was how small-scaled and convenient everything was.
Recommended or not? Definitely worth a watch for Ruco, Kevin and Lau Kong (when we see his true face) scenes. The rest like Tavia and her dad's scenes are all just an overdose for this already short series. Watch it for some brilliant acting, watch it for some dramatic moments and watch it for some heart-wrenching dialogue. But that aside prepare for some stupidity, shallowness and silliness that will equally be scattered throughout the episodes. It's your call.
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