Friday, 27 November 2015

My Hall of Fame of TVB's Best Drama Productions [To be constantly updated]

I have probably watched TVB for 19 years by now, and within all these years there were many classics and favourites. This post is dedicated to highlight my favourite TVB series of all time (to be updated and elaborated each time I watch an outstanding drama that I decide to add it to this list).

War of the Genders (2000)
Reasons: I have only started to re-watch this series and it is no doubt a classic. Carol Cheng potentially gave a perfect performance of Francis Mo who is bossy, demanding and you can think of her as shallow yet has a heart and cares for those close to her. Dayo Wong was a star in this series with great comedic timing. This series is also fabulous due to its role to act as a social commentary on the issues back then, such as AIDS, sexism, gender equality, concern for animals and many more. It explores those issues, sometimes rather distastefully and politically incorrect, but nevertheless makes me laugh. To me this is a golden production of comedy.

Rosy Business (2009)
Reasons: This series was stellar because it had golden lines such as 'How many ten years do we have in our lives? Let's live life to the fullest!" which of course was by Chai Gau. Sheren Tang gave an expressive performance where she deserved her Best Actress Award.

 Journey to the West


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